Monday, November 17, 2008

Great Day and Packing List

This is going to be my wardrobe for the winter: Jeans, sweats & party dresses that I can wear boots with! (my fat ankles or "cankles" will fit!).

The painting to the right is one of Latte's latest.

Ok - I just felt fantastic today! So I'm hoping I get invited to parties again! I think I was 90% of myself today. Highlight of the day was seeing little boy Robert Harrell who broke my heart with his constant grin. Little beetle was divine. I wanted to hold him so much, but his mom Michelle "Hussein" Harrell spilled the beans about a runny nose. I cannot get a cold right now. Let me tell you, not holding that boy took the same discipline as dialysis care. Another thrill was seeing Jeff, who has been an intimate, instigator, invigliator, interloper & an inspiration for over 25 years (gasp).

Someone asked me today how often do I do this and how often do I do that, so I thought I'd write it all down. I never have, even with just the diabetes part. And John wants me to go on trip - so here is the packing list too:

Change Out List and Supply List for Dialysis & Diabetic Care

Exchange Fluids - every 4 to 6 hours (this is the biggy - takes 1-2 hours each time)
Sanitize area - 3x a day Glucose check - 8 x day plus more as needed
Adjust insulin - 5-6 x a day
Renegel - every meal and snack
Sodium BiCarb - 3x a day
Enalapril- 2X a day
Norvasc - 1 x a day Restock bags of dialysate, masks, supplies for exchange Record weight -1x a day take blood pressure & record-1x a day take temperature 1x a day
Stool softener - 1X a day or more as needed
Laxative - as needed but impt EPO or Procrit shot - every 2 weeks
Blood draw for transplant - 1X a month
Blood draw for dialysis - every week (currently)
Kinetics test - don't know - once a month? Iron infusion - as needed (had one this week)
PET Test - don't know - just one time, i think.
24 hour urine -1x quarter?
Insulin - changed in pump every 10 days
Batteries - in pump every 2-3 weeks
Batteries - glucose monitor 3-4 weeks Work out or walk or go to YMCA - everyday! Eat good meal.

Insulin pump supplies including: test strips , catheter sets, alcohol swabs, backup batteries, injector, refill cartridges(insurance is very strict about refills and very expensive. I find myself constantly out of these supplies! ugh)
Glucose monitor: test strips and backup batteries (it is a fortune for test strips, yet the technology hasn't really changed in years)
Dialysis supplies: dialysiate, 4 four pound bags for each day and backup, extra bag, blood pressure cuff, thermometer, mini scales for bags, iv pole, masks, gloves, dressing, tape Glucose tablets & Back up meter

Ok, not so bad! Honestly, writing it down helps. Now I have a list for when I go to the hospital for the transplant. Supposedly I am to bring all meds & Never let the hospital staff touch your stomach catheter, according to my training. My old friend Christy is surgical nurse and she says that dialysis patients that are in for other surgeries indeed refuse to let anyone near their cath. Ha.

So I'm tired from a big day of feeling good and working and seeing friends. I'm almost done with my last exchange and I have 1 more work email to do! Caio!

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