Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Time onDialsis: Working on Patience

I realize that my optimistic personality tends to want to write here. Sometimes my fearful one. I am coming to understand that this dialysis is going to be a day by day, moment by moment thing. The days are not all good, and the dialysis is maddeningly slow. The importance of the bowl movement, the pain, the diet & the continued sudden tiredness ...everything can be overwhelming. (and the stocking and the set up and the sterilization....)

To maintain a normal day, to continue to work, which I have chosen to do, I have to make plans: meetings & appointments. But this afternoon, I had scheduled a friend visit after our work and my workout. But my dialysis got in the way. After a fast drain -out, the fill bag is just hanging there, taunting me. ARRRRGH. I want off this couch! I got up at 6:30 this morning just to try to get them all in today. I worked faithfully on my real estate by computer here on the couch - now I'm ready to go to the gym! But alas, my bowels must still be blocking the fill bag. Barely any of the dialysiate is going int!!!!! OH MY.

And my friend is taking the time to come sit with me for my 3rd exchange, which will now be delayed another 2 hours. What a pain. well, i'm blessed to have company.

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