Friday, November 21, 2008

Updates on progress....slow going

Yesterday was not so good, but it wasn't horrible. After spending 3 hours dialysising in the morning I started trying to clean up the staging area. What a mess. I'm missing several things and the way the house looks is an indicator for future lost things.

I don't even remember why, but I ended up in tears in the shower trying to get ready for my noon clinic visits. My insulin pump was alarming, I had a nephrologist's apt after the clincic visit, I wanted more than anything to get in my bookclub meeting and some real estate work! John told me that he couldn't go with me so I started crying, I suppose to make him feel bad, though I hadn't thought about that at the time. I usually don't want him to witness the pity parties, but I didn't care one bit yesterday. Besides, some good crying is supposed to be cleansing or something, and I was taking a shower for goodness sake. And afterwards I had trouble with the pump. But just as I finished refilling it, I realized that I needed to dialysis again. How would I get it in if I didn't do it quickly - before I left for clinic. And if I didn't get it in, I might not get to go to the gym or later night, the bookclub. OH these 4 exchanges are taking too long.

Sure enough, the ladies at the clinic and my nephrologist all say that this is taking too long That the point is for me to have a life. This 8 hours a day is too much. So they sent me to the Xray.

Results don't say anything except maybe try some more laxitives..... Anyhoo, they added 2 more prescriptions, so yippee, I get $60 of free grociers.

I wanted so badly to be the organizer for the Dean & Debby show next Tuesday for a few of the bookclub women. Plus, my mom would love it, Andrea's mom would love it....I just cannot commit until I get these times down on my exchanges.

I must be patient.

The visits sure do help and I had some of the best last night and today. The prayers work. It is amazing. Nick Thompson's mom has some heart issues, so we must pray for her.

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