Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Answer to "How Are You today?"

To Mark:

I am doing good. My life is very very full, as my super positive friend says. I always am jealous when she says that, cause mine is full too, and I am so freaking comparative and competitive. (I think this is funny about me and useful, but also limiting!) Well, full is a good way to put it. I have reevaluated real estate and I still love it; I need a nap most every day; I am spending more time than ever with good friends. I especially love helping the nice people with real estate. Help & a positive attitude is what most people need right now and that mostly means pro-bono work. Everything is overpriced; I constantly marvel at Nashvillians who think their house is not affected by the economy. Everyone should lower their prices if they need to sell! I don’t push it…I just try to help. (At the Y: "Hey Kim, my house is ok isn't it, cuz its on Jackson Bvd?" -I've never even been in this nice man's house)

The kidney disease is challenging, but mostly, I feel good. Really.

I have one more week to wait on dialysis – I should’ve started 2 weeks ago, but I have to wait til they have trainers available. They are all booked up. My symptoms are a pain, but I can live. But tell that to my very loving (republican) neighbor who says that we have the best health care in the world. Last night we tried not to talk about it, but he couldn’t help but tell me how other people wait forever in other countries for medical care. And that America has the best care. I also had to wait 2 extra weeks for the surgery to put in the catheter! And now it is six weeks since the catheter implant – and I’m getting sicker in the meantime. My kidney function is at 6% today. And….the transplant center at Vandy got EIGHTY EIGHT applications for dual organ transplant (both kidney and pancreas) just before me, so it took from March until July just to get onto the list. The average wait for just a kidney is 4 years. ( I am trying the riskier dual organ transplant and luckily and high on the list for my blood type. It could be any day. For some heart-warming reason, the south has more organ donors than the north) So tell me about waiting.

But as for the American Health Care system: I don’t know what to think. I don’t want to study it because it is so much info….
Don’t even ask me about Stem Cell research.

My friends working in other countries in health care swear that other countries’ research is starting to outdo America. I need some stats on that.

Ok, enough of my ranting. GoBama

I’m trying to write a blog, but so far have kept it private. It is mostly just thinking & rambling and some of the older posts are more fearful and bitter than I now feel. In fact, I do love life more than ever…I am having a big time between napping, scratching, leg cramping and pooting. (nice)

Nashville is awesome and I only wish I could spend more time with all of the different people I love. I’d love for you and Tom to come over for election night. I have one or two friends that will be here and you’d like each other. Wonder if we could get Holly/Jan over….Anyway, Nashville has so much going on –Recently, I got to go to Robin Williams, a Predator’s game, David Sedaris, a lecture at Vandy and Halloween parties. I get tired, but there is time for a nap beforehand, and I love it.

Today I saw the dialysis doc and the OB/GYN. My blood pressure is very very high and everyone is concerned....but next week's dialysis should help. Latte man stopped by the center and asked that they start earlier. I think my stomach and groaning might've kept him up last night, but he'd never complain.

Tomorrow i go for more blood work at Vandy for the transplant center. I'd rather be selling....get it? I'd rather be sailing, selling? ok, never mind

Hope you are still singing and meditating and eating at Margo’s every Friday. If I get called to the hospital for transplant, I’ll put you on the email list. Tom might even come see me after a few days (since he is there at Vandy…ha!)

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