Monday, January 26, 2009

Update...nighttime dialysis eludes me

HI Laura! Well, welcome to Nashville. I'm glad we found you a house.

I'm afraid I'm not a very good friend lately. Dialysis is like having a very needy baby. I am up all hours, sometimes rocking my body until the drain works better. i have been at the clinic so many days, then still doing dialysis for 4-8 hrs per day. I feel pretty darned good, my biggest problem is sitting still and canceling plans. Luckily, i have an extraordinary group of friends & family that put up with me and work around my horrible schedule.

and I still need to work and still love it, even though I am working mostly with hurt sellers. I just try to help.

I would love a visit anytime, esp in the evening because you can usually count on my having to do exchanges then. However, John and I go out to eat tons, mostly in our sweats after the there aren't too many places to go like that! ha We would love for you to join us for a big steaming bowl of Mexican pollo soupa at our little place. My goal is to see the last of the good movies in the next few weeks, so i will try and call you before we head out. The problem is, we never plan ahead, which is a pain for friends.

I committed to walk in the half marathon with Kim, who understands my fear and more importantly, my schedule.

This past week was incredibly long and Kat and Kim said the same thing. It must've been the inauguration and the absorption of so much energy and excitement. I was also very entertained by the entire event. However, it was a very disappointing week as the dialysis night time cycler failed to work for me. I cannot even go there now, because I tried it again last night and it alarmed every 5-15 minutes. I abandoned it around 10 and was up til late finishing a manual exchange. Latte further encourages me, even as he is bleary eyed and achy from lack of sleep.

I may be having procedure on Wed to explore my gut area - they need to see what is wrong and why this is so slow. Simple lap but it still will "slow" me down. it has been over 13 weeks of this!
i see the surgeon tomorrow & he will schedule. I also have a rescheduled nephrology appointment because for the 2nd time, the doc canceled our meeting (and they didn't call me! I'm afraid i have built a case against him and his nurse!) I also have some great new listings and some dear families I am helping. Most importantly, my hair needs color and my nails (as usual) look ragged. Since that is not important it gets pushed on. Oh, yes, my tags have expired now for 2 months. I've had offers of help; just trying to figure it all out. Sooo. all that is to say, this week seems kinda full!

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