Friday, January 9, 2009

Who Deserves This?

I heard that someone in someone else's bookclub said that I was on a church's prayer list. I got a message that I am being prayed for in Knoxville. I have gotten over 300 prayer cards from First Baptist in Hendersonville.

I cannot write about this now.

Those closest to me continue to bring me dinner and order special rice for me and listen to me detail my day to the most boring extreme. John is sick for the first time in years and he hasn't complained once; he still insisted on cleaning up my bags last night though he had a fever.

I continue to make such remarkable progress. I have come to a new level of calm: not panicking when the exchanges do not go well. I am not so disappointed when I feel terrible. I am more often upset by grace and its meaning than having to arrange my schedule around my healthcare. Trying to understand what someone deserves and doesn't deserve is on my mind this morning as I work freely and happily.

I am energized by my work. I can help others. I really do love it and all of its challenges. It continues to teach me more about myself and beat me up once in awhile. Since I have so much to learn about how I react with others, I want to keep doing it for along time.

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