Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday update

I am reading Dr Peerman's book "Blessed Relief: What Christians Can Learn From Buddhists About Suffering." I dare not say I am suffering at this time, but so far every bit of the book speaks to me in a practical way about living. I am thinking about the way Dr Peerman speaks about always wanting the other: even when I am in bliss, hiking at Radnor, for instance, I might think, this would be perfect if only so and so friend was here to see the eagle. Or anytime that I long for the other: my parents to be here, a certain friend to join in the current joke or laughter. If I am thinking about anything else in the future, or how a good situation could be better, I am compromising the PRESENT situation! So I am learning to enjoy the moment for what it is. And be in that thing. Longing not to be in the waiting room at the doctor's office does not help the time pass. So I am working on that. I see it as a lifelong goal.

It only feels daunting this morning as I think about missing what has become our annual ski trip. Ha! I'm not one for lingering in longing thoughts, but I couldn't help myself this morning when my exchange went bad. I'm swollen beyond comfort; many things hurt with the extra fluid. For awhile I could only think of Luke and Brad and Cordell and Floyd eating breakfast in their pajamas and Cordell finishing up the cooking and griping about Latte "not eating breakfast" and eating up all of the eggs even as he makes the claim. John wishes he was gambling with Floyd and I am missing my annual photo-in-a-bush with Gene S and all of the humor from Gene D and some instructions, jokes, stories & showmanship from Cordell. I miss all of the little comforts that Floyd provides, patting on me, etc, and I'm wondering if he can even ski with his foot like that --but I think Floyd goes for the love of his friends, not necessarily the skiing. So this is a maudlin sentimental indulgence to think about them and pander to them because I think Gene reads this sometimes: Hi there guys. What project is Cordell working on now?
Well, I think I need to get back to the present. My 1099 to my former worker is overdue! And I've got a couple of houses to sell! The best listings in Nashville; I'm lucky in that.
And I've got to give this surgeon a pep talk! He can fix me...he can fix me.

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